Welcome to Escaping Shadows! Using the links to the right, you will be able to find everything that you need to understand the website and get started once you read the rules and are ready to create your character. If you have any questions, you can always ask anyone, staff and members included, for help!
Escaping Shadows is a unique warriors roleplay. It takes place in an original Clan territory, where, moons ago, the Dark Forest arose and slowly destroyed the Clans from the inside. They turned claw against claw, and tore each Clan to pieces. All that remains is their descendants, struggling to rebuild the Clans from what’s left. The only question that remains now is - will they escape the shadows left behind?
Skin created by Aki of Adox. Thank you to both Trinity and Elli of Adox, for the Slider and Sticky Menu remodels respectively! Banner image credit goes to Rebecca Johnston of Unsplash, and various images were found from tumblr. Lyrics are from Taylor Swift's "Wildest Dreams." Akisame forum/thread icons were created by Cappippuni of dA, and smilies were found from tumblr via pixel-soup. Please do not steal and/or redistribute this skin or any parts of this skin as your own!
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[/i] "words will never express how grateful i am to have known you. i know you're up there in starclan with rosepetal watching over us, but... i still miss you at times, and i can never forgive the thunderclanner who took you away from us before your time. i wonder what would you think of me now if you were still alive; would you be proud of me? are you right now?"[/ul] •• ROSEPETAL ▼
[/i] "when i lost you along with thistleheart, it felt like the world was coming to an end. i had never experienced death like this before, and it hurt badly to witness his death... but not as badly as it hurt you to know of it. but you're now free of that pain, and that thought only is enough to bring me comfort."[/ul] •• TIGERSTORM ▼
[/i] "you never wanted us, and i never knew you. i am grateful to you for giving me and my brother life, but why should i mourn for you beyond the clan's loss? you lived, you died."[/ul] •• KITECRY ▼
[/i] "there are times when i wonder what was going on through your mind when you walked out of the nursery those days. how could you ignore bitternwing's crying, or ignore ivystream and myself. still, i suppose it doesn't matter anymore."[/ul] •• MAPLESHINE ▼
[/i] "you were there when we needed you the most. you loved us, cared for us as though we were your very own; it is because of you that i cannot remember a day in my kit-hood where i didn't feel loved. i will always be grateful, and i will always love you, mother."[/ul] •• BITTERNWING ▼
[/i] "you were my first friend in the world, and while we may have drifted apart in the later moons you are still my brother. that day with the badger... it will haunt my nightmares forever. i wish i could take away those scars on you, that i could do more for you. you should've been the one to finish comfreywhisker's training, not me."[/ul] •• IVYSTREAM ▼
[/i] "how dare you. that's what i remember thinking that day i saw you smile at thistleheart's wake. but starclan knows i never suspected how dark your heart really was. you killed our father, maimed my sister and brother, and all i can think of is what you might have done if you got your ambition. i swear with every fiber of my being, that if you're lurking in the dark forest you better stay there."[/ul] •• DUCKSTEP ▼
[/i] "i can still recall the days where you would latch onto my tail as a kit, always following me around as we got into trouble. i was always there to get you out of it too, until that night. i wish i had been there to stop ivystream before it happened, but i'm so thankful you're alive. you're my sister, and i can't imagine a day without you in my life to make me smile."[/ul] •• GOOSETHROAT ▼
[/i] "its hard to believe that you're the same little tom who would hide behind mapleshine in the nursery, when these days you're one of the most outspoken cats i've ever met; you've grown up well, brother."[/ul]
[/i] "i know we didn't get off on the right foot, but i'm grateful to you for not giving up on me, and sorry that i wasn't more forthcoming in the first days of our training. without you, i wouldn't be who i am today - you taught me how to fight and hunt, but you also taught me that we're never alone in life."[/ul] •• STARLINGSHADE ▼
[/i] "i'm proud of how you've grown, starlingshade. though i can still remember that little energetic tom who would run circles around me and make me chase him; he's still in there isn't he? i can see him in your eyes now and then. glad to know he's not completely gone. i would've missed him."[/ul] •• COMFREYWHISKER ▼
[/i] "never let anyone say that you aren't strong or that you don't matter, comfreywhisker. it took a lot for you to stand up to ivystream that day, and even more for you to tell me about your secret. i'm just sorry that you had to go through all of it alone until then. but its over now, and know that you'll never be alone in that way again. i'm here now."[/ul] •• TANSYSPRING ▼
[/i] "its amazing how much you've changed. and i'm glad to have been the one to witness your growth, from the moment you stumbled into my paws to that day in thunderclan's camp where you proved yourself a warrior. i also still remember your promise to me to tell me your honest answer to my question, tansyspring - and i'm eagerly awaiting to know when you come to it."[/ul]